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Western Variety Pak

Western Variety Pak

This newly designed package is for introduction into calling predators specifically in the Western States where jackrabbits are more plentiful and a common source of food for coyotes, fox, bobcat, and all other predatory animals.

With the Red Desert Howler all predatory food source sounds can be easily made with just a little practice - coyote howls, yips, barks, ki-yi’s; as well as rabbit, deer and antelope, cow, calf and bull elk, ducks, geese, crane, and woodpecker.

The Red Desert Howler is unquestionably "THE call" to have and no call currently on the market can as closely mimic the actual sounds as does the Red Desert Howler. The rich tone of a quality hardwood call will always be superior to any man made substitute.

Also included in this package is the Weems replica call with an enclosed jackrabbit voice for those who enjoy the ease of using an enclosed reed type of call.  Every Dan Thompson call is hand tuned before leaving the shop.  In addition, this package includes Dan's DVD “Predator Calling” which is very informative, educational, and best of all - it is included for almost FREE due to the savings - instead of its regular price of $15.99!

Package Includes:

  • Red Desert Howler
  • Wild Weems Call
  • Predator Calling with Dan Thompson DVD

Product Code: WVP

Product in stock

Suggested Retail: $95.97

Price: $81.57

You save: $14.40! (15.00%)

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