You need to put a warning on the calls—WARNING: MAY CALL COYOTES EXTREMELY CLOSE!!
Another one this morning. A female. 10 yards.
22 and 12 yards last week. Now 10 yards. I love shotgunning coyotes up close and personal. It’s very intense. That’s what keeps me coming back.
Still not a record. About five years ago I shot one at 7 yards. That’s the way it is here. We don’t see them coming from a mile away like out west.
You need to put a warning on the calls—WARNING: MAY CALL COYOTES EXTREMELY CLOSE!!
I finally got out to do some coyote hunting this morning. It didn’t take too long for the first coyote to come in. I shot it at 22 yards. I kept calling and saw the second coyote about fifteen minutes later walking along a brushy fence row. He was a smart one. He circled North to South about 300 yards out in the field to get downwind. I was prepared for something like that to happen though. I couldn’t see downwind along the edge of the timber where I was sitting. Finally he walked by a bushy cedar along the edge near me. I shot him at 12 yards. I thought one might be a female, but they were both males.
I used my new Wind River howler on this hunt. It’s now my favorite call.
Gerry Friedrich
29968 CR 2000 N
Forest City, IL. 61532
The hunting’s been pretty good, I shot five foxes in the last three days and a buddy shot another one I called in. The PC2 did most of the calling work.
I’m sending you a picture here, it was taken yesterday in Swedish Lappland. Two male red foxes taken within minutes on the same stand, using the PC2.
My name is Ulf Lindroth from Rosvik Sweden. I call Red Fox extensively in Sweden and other parts of Northern Europe and in the last few years I have worked a lot at introducing this method of predator hunting in Scandinavia. I’ve long been a fan of open-reed calls, but since I found the Dan Thompson line of calls I’ve basically changed my mind. I have found these calls more reliable and more versatile than other closed-reed calls I’ve tried. So, when I need a natural-sounding rabbit distress sound today, my go-to call is the Dan Thompson PC2. I’ve used that call successfully on foxes of both sexes and all ages, throughout the season and in farmland as well as on the tundra. Thanks for a great call!
We’ll keep in touch and maybe one day we’ll get to make a hunt over there. September and October are busy months hunting here, before the winter arrives, but who knows. Thanks for the offer!
All the best,
Ulf Lindroth
Hey John,
Yes, that is me and you are free to use them any way you like. Yep,
picked out photos where I used the PC 2.
More and more people have supressors. I will NEVER use a rifle without again. It is a dream to shoot with, no recoil, does not have to disturb other people when you are hunting close to houses, gives you better opportunities to take a second shot if you miss, you also hear if the bullet hits the animal and most of all saves your precious hearing.
“Tor Ola Dehli, from Gran, NORWAY is the Norwegian distributor of Dan Thompson Game Calls.
He is one of Scandinavia’s most known predator callers, and has had great success with our calls. Especially the PC 2 is lethal for the red fox over there, as you can see in the photos below.
Called in a fox for a friend tonight. Call PC 2
Tor Ola Dehli 😉
Got the calls!! Thank you!! Really excited! They sound great!!!!!! I’m going to get my name engraved in them.
Dan!! Got the calls!! Thank you!! Really excited! They sound great!!!!!! Thank you so much!! I’m going to get my name engraved in them. Thank you again!!
Some photos to look at from this mornings hunt. I’ve been predator hunting for 25 yrs Dan and using your game calls a good majority of the time.
This was this morning in cold conditions. The River Bottom Coaxer PC-3 doing its job and bringing this alpha female right up close within shotgun range. 3 dogs on this mornings’ trip.

Thanks again Dan, Jeff Wagner
Last but not least thanks for making these calls in the USA!!!
Mr. Thompson, on learning how to call game, I was very impressed with the phone call I had with you last night. I appreciate the time you took with me in helping me make my selections. I wish I lived close enough to you to come and get some calling lessons in person. I bought the Red River Howler and a DVD and another call I think you called the Weems Replica. I noticed that on your website that you have many different other calls. Are there other calls that you would recommend? For example some of the other Cottontail, Jack Rabbit and coaxer calls. Which one of the dvd’s would you recommend next? Do you ever give calling seminars in my area? Last but not least thanks for making these calls in the USA!!!
Thanks again,
Chris F. in Kentucky
Home of Lake Cumberland.
Sure am winding up all my pals with my recent successes using your calls! Wanted to send over a couple of pics…
Hi Dan
Good to speak with you again. Sure am winding up all my pals with my recent successes using your calls! Wanted to send over a couple of pics… what is your email address?
All the best
I believe you build the best predator calls on the market. I talk very highly of your calls and always have. 🙂
If this is Dan Thompson himself then hello Dan! We talked on the phone 7 or so years ago. I called on info about a yote tournament. I wish I could have made it and met but it didn’t work out.
I believe you build the best predator calls on the market. I talk very highly of your calls and always have 🙂
My favorite (if I had to pick one) is the PC-3 River Bottom Coaxer. My last one was recently lost. I love its sweet fawn bleat and so do the cougars. It brings them in close to make that critical shot, they are convinced by the sound of the call. In the cougar set usually over a timbered canyon I start out low and soft bleats (I’ve had cats just come running in within minutes after the first few bleats) like a fawn starving for its mother. Eventually after 1/2 hr I’m playing, the nearby yote family found me and I wish ma would show up (panicking fawn). Then the bawling begins as the coyotes are hanging off both ends of me and I’m now coyote food etc.
It’s a screamer and my hats off for producing such a success. I have always lived near good cougar habitat so my chances of calling those big cats in has been fairly common. Its been a private affair with me and the cougars. I set them up pretty tight, in a little more cover than some may be comfortable setting up for big cats. They’re usually down in a chest drag when I shoot them with a bow or rifle, nothing over 40 yds away yet, closest was 8 yds. I had the PC-3 at my lips when that 190 lb tom showed up at 8 yds, one of my bow cats. That was exciting to say the least, after 4 125 gr Steelforce Titanium broadheads in the head, he finally fell over dead. I really love predator hunting and have been at it my whole life, year round sometimes 3 days a week. Primarily bears, coyotes, bobcats and cougars. It’s my passion and I have been faithful to the ethics of hunting and raised in that manor. I wanted to share some stories here and I have some really good photos of success with your calls. Thank you for your product, its been a blessing in my life.
Jeff W.
I would much rather be without shells than be without the Red Desert Howler. This call is the best howler I have ever used but the best sounding and best quality. Thank you Mr.Thompson you are truly the best call maker ever.
Mr.Thompson I would just like to inform you that your calls are by far the best on the market.
I have used many other brands and none have even come close to the quality, sound and, versatility of your calls. Also I have harvested many coyotes and fox using your calls.
I would much rather be without shells than be without the Red Desert Howler. This call is the best howler I have ever used but the best sounding and best quality. I would just like to let you know that you make the best calls for all predators.
Thank you Mr.Thompson you are truly the best call maker ever.
“Tyler S”
“Just bought a couple calls on your site to give to a new hunting buddy.”
Dan – My son and I were the ones with you the day you had a heart attack creep up on you, some 12 years ago now – I’m sure you remember that day – we insisted you get back to Rawlins hospital? Good to see you are doing well … I am still addicted coyote hunter. Just bought a couple calls on your site to give to a new hunting buddy. I’m retired now (from oil biz) ….. looks like you are still having fun – and perhaps still in the old Bronco!
Mike & Will