
dan thompson game calls | payment procedure

Doe and Buck Whitetail Deer at duskFor any day hunter, learning how to hunt at night can be exciting, new and challenging. Before planning a night hunt, check with your local Department of Fish and Game for any hunting restrictions in your region. You want to make sure you are able to legally hunt at night.

It is also important to learn about the safety measures you must take in order to have a safe hunt.

Take a look at these night hunting tips to make sure you stay safe but also have a successful hunt: Continue Reading…

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huntingPredators such as wolves and coyotes are very popular game for hunting.

They are not easy to hunt as they are very smart animals and tend to be very cautious but that is what hunters like – a challenge.

Instantly distinguishing between both animals isn’t always that easy, especially at a distance or in poor lighting.
This is due to the many similarities but few differences between the appearance and hunting of a coyote and a wolf. Take a look at some of these here: Continue Reading…


Know the Coyote

I always think it is important to know as much as you can about the prey you are hunting. I have been hunting my whole life. My father, himself a wolf hunter in the 20’s, taught me to hunt when I was a boy and I have been learning ever since.

The more you know about your target animal the better you will get. It also helps if you respect them. And trust me, the more you know about the coyote the more you will respect him.

Coyote Populations Growing

Unlike most of the big game in North America, the coyote has actually expanded its range as people have moved in. As wolf populations have declined the coyote has moved right in to take over the niche. They are more comfortable living around humans than wolves so they can adapt to the changes that people have brought. Their cleverness and adaptability have served them well and their numbers are growing.

This means there are more and more of them to hunt.

Often there will be a bounty in your area for coyotes Continue Reading…


Calling Predators

While calling predators is something that can take a lifetime to master, it is something that anyone can get started at right away.

A good call is a call that is well made using only high quality materials and expert craftsmanship – that will get you there. Hardwood is a must to give it a natural sound, and a well tuned reed will help to mimic an animal’s call. After that all you have to provide is the air!

You will be surprised at just what sorts of creatures will come out to see what is going on, even if you are a complete rookie. If you practice outside in your yard don’t be surprised if you call out a few of your human neighbors who want to see what’s going on!

Two Basic Predator Calls

The two main types of calls Continue Reading…

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There really is no substitute for a properly made call. It’s the thing that gets the hunt started in the first place so you want a call that is going to make you happy and produce results.

I have always found wood (hardwood to be exact) to be the best for giving an authentic sound. There are plenty of plastic calls out there on the market but you just can’t get the natural sound and tone out of them that you can with a wood call.

The call is the only thing you have to get the coyotes coming to you. And if you can’t do that then what are you out there for after all?

Real Wood Natural Game Calls

Wood calls (and again I mean hardwood) just can’t be beat. There is something about using a part of nature in the in the call that gives it a truer and more natural sound.

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Coyotes are very clever little guys so you want to really know your stuff when it comes to doing calls.

Practice Coyote Calls

The place you want to be practicing your Coyote Callsis safe at home, long before you head out into the field. You don’t want to be fumbling around not knowing exactly what you’re doing when that coyote comes poking out of his stand. You always want to stay calm and cool and know exactly what you’re doing.

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